9 Easy Tips to make a small Bedroom look great
It can be extremely hard and frustrating to decorate a small size bedroom. I wish an easy solution could be to knock down a wall and just to make it bigger. But usually, that's not a possibility.
Still, it can be a fun activity and challenge to decorate a small bedroom with its limitations.
There are some tips I have gathered for you to get started.
Go All Neutral:
Going neutral or as close to white as possible can instantly make the room look bigger than it actually is. The white walls will reflect light and everything will come together effortlessly. White bedding and sheets can be easily obtained to complemt your room. We have a whole White Collection of bedding products available in store.
Remove the Clutter:
Literally 'Marie Kondo' the bedroom. Declutter, declutter, declutter and then organize everything in the room.
Find a place for every single item to live in and just remove all the unnecessary junk, including the pile of books you have been planning to read all year.
The clearer the surfaces, the bigger the room will appear.
Use the Headboard:
On the subject of organization and storage, utilize the bedhead area with cleverly installed shelving or floor to ceiling storage on either side of the bed. Even a hidden, walk-in wardrobe can be created behind the bedhead wall. There are so many options available at Ikea, Bunnings and other storage solution stores, so you can find the perfect size for your space.
Furniture pieces in the right size:
Only use the furniture pieces that are the right size. Do not use oversized pieces in a small space. Even go to the custom-built furniture route if that is the right choice for your small space. One of the greatest tips for a small bedroom is that it should not look cramped.
Bring in the Light:
Keep the window treatment clutter-free and non-fussy. Use plain roller blinds for privacy or light and airy white voile which lets the light in.
The bed against the window:
Usually, we tend to leave the window wall free of all furniture. But in case of a small bedroom and limited options, bed against the window wall will increase the available space and options and with the light behind the bed, it will give the bed a floating effect.
Use Mirrors:
Mirrors create an illusion of space and work really well in small bedrooms.
Limit the Color use:
Pick a color accent and use with a lot of white. That would create a more interesting space to relax in.
Feature Wall:
Create a feature wall to draw in the eye. It can be done with wallpaper, a gallery wall, a beautifully arranged shelving unit or a great combination of your favourite possessions. This tip is especially useful for a long and narrow bedroom.
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